Dr. Dt. Gülsah Unal Kundakcioglu
Orthodontics Specialist

Born in Istanbul in 1988, Dr. Dt. Gulsah Unal Kundakcioglu completed her high school education at Istanbul Kabatas Anatolian Male High School and her university education at Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry.
In the year she graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry, she was accepted for the doctorate in the department of periodontology. She studied in the field of periodontology (gum diseases) between 2011 and 2013. In 2013, an orthodontic doctorate started at Bezmialem Foundation University, Faculty of Dentistry. In 2017, she presented her thesis with the topic of ‘evaluation of the antibacterial effects of different lasers under orthodontic apparatus’ and she assumed the title of “Doctor of Science”.
In 2018, she made an oral presentation of her thesis which was accepted for oral presentation at the annual congress of the American Orthodontic Association in Washington.
Gulsah Unal Kundakcioglu who has participated in many pieces of training on orthodontic dental treatment with lingual orthodontics (braces attached to the inner surface of teeth) clear aligner (orthodontic without braces) has the certificates of a practitioner of WIN lingual orthodontics system and Invisalign clear aligner. She is also a member of the board of the Lingual Orthodontics Association. She continues her work within her own private practice and Acibadem Hospitals. She is a member of the Turkish Orthodontic Association, The American Orthodontic Association and The European Orthodontic Association.